Fairmount Fibers, Ltd.
U.S. Distributor of Manos del Uruguay Yarns

Holiday Decorations

Have you ever thought about knitting or crocheting decorations for yourself or as gifts? Decorations are a great way to mark a special occasion or start a new tradition. We have found several patterns and projects on Ravelry made in Manos del Uruguay yarns that are sure to bring out the smiles as they are brought out each holiday season.

The Last Minute Stockings by Ysolda Teague are worked from the toe-up on larger needles. On the left we are sharing pixiewear's Em's Stocking project. Kate Heppell's Countdown to Christmas, center, is simply sweet. A true heirloom project is the Floral Tree Skirt by Michele Rose Orne; BarbaraM's work-in-progress is on the right. Each of these patterns call for Wool Clasica. The broad palette allows for traditional or modern color choices!

Nicki Epstein's #08 Felted Wreath, is a festive show-stopper to grace your door or mantle. Oneknitwit used the Felted Gingerbread Ornament pattern in her Gingerbread project, but you could easily use this idea to make a custom garland or gift tags. If you haven't tried felting yet, these are great projects on which to experiment with Wool Clasica. Have you made any holiday decorations for this year? We'd love to hear about it in our Ravelry group or on our Facebook page. You can tweet us @ManosYarns or tag us if you Instagram your decorating progress!

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