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Fairmount Fibers, Ltd.
U.S. Distributor of Manos del Uruguay Yarns

Maxima Mittens

It's getting towards fall weather here in the Northern Hemisphere, and I think it's not an exaggeration to say that it's the favorite season for knitters! Cold weather is the perfect motivator for getting insulating knitting projects done, and cold-weather accessories like scarves, hats and mittens are the perfect thing for providing a great feeling of accomplishment from a manageable project.

maxima mitten

I love knitting mittens for just this reason- they go quickly during the project, they are perfectly useful, and they are great for showing off a yarn like Manos del Uruguay Maxima! This pattern, "Handful of Berries Mittens" is knit up with Maxima with a unique thumb gusset you'll love! Maxima is a super soft and squishy kettle-dyed merino. The worsted weight one-ply construction makes it a great all purpose yarn, and the fantastic yardage makes it perfect for one- skein accessory projects. With mittens, not only do you get a full project out one skein, but you get the joy of feeling such a soft yarn on your hands all the time when you are finished.

Normally we knitters just enjoy the yarn going through our hands during the knitting project, but with Maxima Mittens, you get to retain the feeling throughout the cold season. Happy Fall, Knitters!

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