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Fairmount Fibers, Ltd.
U.S. Distributor of Manos del Uruguay Yarns

Viva La Lana! (Wool Alive!)

Did you ever see a public art exhibit in which a collection of statues or figures are all decorated, and then usually auctioned off to raise money for a charity?  Around the globe there have been exhibits of Cow Parades, Mr. Potato Heads, and many other animals and creatures. Manos del Uruguay, which, in addition to having yarn, also sells hand-knitted sweaters and such at stores all over the country, is also (through June 30) presenting the exhibition "Sheep", which is a display of 30 sheep-sized figures decorated and designed by a variety of artists. Viva la Lana is a celebration around wool and natural fibers, creating a new awareness of wool as a national resource and cultural element.

You can see more of the display at the Viva La Lana website (click here for a translated version) or as part of the photo album on their Facebook page.

How would you design such a sheep? We love to read your comments here on the blog, in our Ravelry group, on our Facebook page, or tweet us @ManosYarns.

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