At last -- a chance to play with a handful of gorgeous Fino colors all at once. Perfect for your favorite gradient shawl pattern, or choose one of our free pattern downloads here.
The five 20g mini-skeins in each kit add up to one 100g skein of Fino.
To purchase a kit, click here to find a stockist near you.
Want to know our favorite Fino Mini-skein Kit + Fino pairings? Download them here!
#1 Augusta: Silver Teaset, Watered Silk, Storm Glass, Peacock Plume, Mourning
#2 Beatrix: Silver Teaset, Corsage, Storm Glass, Amethyst Earring, Mourning
#3 Clarissa: Porcelain, Rosewater, Ivory Letter-Opener, Silver Teaset, Storm Glass
#4 Dorothea: Chemise, Filigree, Topsy-Turvy, Velvet Pincushion, Tincture
#6 Flora: Tincture, Velvet Pincushion, Crystal Goblet, Watered Silk, Folly
#8 Henrietta: Havisham, Corsage, Opal, Watered Silk, Ivory Letter-Opener
#14 Phoebe: Folly, Watered Silk, Rosewater, Pocketwatch, Brass Button
#16 Sybil: Topsy-Turvy, Gilt, Turkish Delight, Chemise, Fascinator
#20 Willa: Tincture, Velvet Pincushion, Opal, Promenade, Poison
#21 Yvette: Filigree, Topsy-Turvy, Elixir, Malachite, Admiral
#22 Zelda: Tea Biscuit, Songbird, Mead, Promenade, Poison
#23 Amelia: Silver Tea-Set, Topsy-Turvy, Malachite, Fascinator, Stormglass
#24 Bernadette: Velvet Pincushion, Topsy-Turvy, Tea Biscuit, Songbird, Mead
#25 Charlotte: Stormglass, Mead, Topsy-Turvy, Havisham, Inkwell
#26 Daphne: Turkish Delight, Topsy-Turvy, Brocade, Velvet Pincushion, Promenade
#27 Esme: Brocade, Pocket Square, Gilt, Parasol, Folly
#28 Faye: Dog-Rose, Stocking, Tassel, Sterling, Pemberley
*#29 Greta: Brocade, Dog-Rose, Tassel, Topsy-Turvy, Elixir
NOTE: Fino Mini-Skein Display Box holds 1 Kit. No plastic in window, and is shipped flat. Sold by the each.