Bitty Bulky Baby Blankets
The five baby blanket designs in this booklet have a lot in common:
each uses 4 skeins of Manos del Uruguay Franca,
all are worked in garter stitch, and any will keep a little one cozy!
The yarn is Manos del Uruguay Franca, a superbulky single-ply yarn made of 100% washable merino wool.
It makes a plush, squishy fabric that knits up quickly on big needles.
To keep the focus on the beautiful hand-dyed colors, we chose to knit the blankets without seaming or using more than one color at a time.
Exciting structures are worked with simple techniques: although all of the blankets are square in shape, none is knit plain from cast-on to bind-off.
Some are worked on the bias, others involve picking up stitches in modular knitting, while one explores a mitered construction.
We wanted to create a collection that has you return time and time again to explore another construction in Franca.
We hope you enjoy knitting a bitty bulky baby blanket (or two!) in Manos del Uruguay Franca