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Fairmount Fibers, Ltd.
U.S. Distributor of Manos del Uruguay Yarns

New Patterns from Fairmount Fibers

North America is currently experiencing the summer season. Temperatures are warm all over, but cooler days will return. The Fairmount Fibers team wants to share the new pattern collection with you now, giving you plenty of time to plan on your next favorite fall sweater or to work up an accessory item in your favorite Manos del Uruguay yarns! Bristol Ivy Designs Bristol Ivy is the featured designer in this new collection. Fans of her work, which is extensive, will enjoy her unique perspective. As she says in her Ravelry group, "My work focuses on the intersection between classic tailoring and innovative technique, creating a unique and wearable aesthetic while maintaining knitterly appeal."  Shown above, her two sweater desgins, Bordure (left) and Pheon (right) are each knit in Manos Fino. The accessory patterns, Virgule (center, top) in Silk Blend and Quoin in Maxima (center, bottom), feature interesting construction techniques with eye-catching results. Fall 2015 Patterns The additional patterns complement Bristol Ivy's designs so well. The Oxidar sweater, designed by Mari Chiba in Silk Blend, is a completely seamless design! On the right are all one skein wonders, great to start now for possible holiday gifts, or as selfish knits for yourself. From top to bottom are Ruina by Lisa R. Myers in Clara, Cobre by Christine Marie Chen in Maxima, Ferrico by Corrina Ferguson in Fino, and a free pattern for Clara, the Facil Shawl. We are looking forward to seeing these new projects come to life in your favorite colorways. If you are a planner, the Pinterest board is ready for you to pin your favorite designs. Feel free to tag us in your pictures posted to Twitter and Instagram, and as always you are welcome to share your photos to our Facebook page and Ravelry group.

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