Manos Yarns in KALs
Have you ever noticed knitting and crocheting seem to have their own languages? SSK, K2tog, BO, CO, WIP, and FO are just a small sample of the lingo that enters your vocabulary with practice. Are you familiar with KAL? It is not part of pattern instructions but is the short-hand way to describe a group of knitters working on the same pattern (or pattern theme), at the same time. They are Knitting-A-Long together, in person at a yarn shop or virtually through the Ravelry community. In this blog post, we'd like to spotlight customer projects that were made as part of a KAL in Manos del Uruguay yarns!
Jimmy Beans Wool recently hosted a Game of Thrones themed Mystery KAL on Ravelry. This type of KAL has the added twist of the knitter not knowing the full pattern before knitting; sections of the pattern are released as clues in intervals. Catherinesm used Alegria for her Stormborn shawl and Pinkpussykat's version, right, used Fino.
The Yarnathon is a year-long event hosted by eat.sleep.knit where knitters and crocheters increase their fiber stash while working on quarterly challenges. One challenge was to work on a "new to you technique". CharliWilson's Open Sweater in Silk Blend and ilovemycello's Safety Scarf in Maxima each fit the bill.
The Loopy Ewe hosts a virtual summer camp during the summer months. Camp Loopy presents challenges for each month of camp and the participants KAL with a focus on a theme instead of a particular pattern. Tbear10's Jungle Breeze and HattiesPurls' Jaws, each in Serena, reference a favorite book or movie from childhood summers.
Knitting and crochet may seem like solitary activities on the surface but working on a project at the same time as another friend in fiber can keep you motivated to finish or to inspire your next project. Also, we should mention there are Spinalongs (SAL)! The above image is from knittingsarah's Instagram; she's spinning for Tour de Fleece with the Bluejay colorway of our Merino Roving. We'd love to hear about your KAL, CAL, and SAL experiences! Share your work or groups with us in our Ravelry group, on the Facebook page, or if you currently have a KAL WIP feel free to tag us on Instagram!